Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Eggs

Lani joined us for family night this week and we dyed Easter Eggs. It was a lot of fun....we dyed 3 dozen eggs which sounds like a lot, but it went quickly. Aida really wanted to hold the eggs, but knowing that she has an incredibly tight grip we tried to keep them mostly away from her. Hailey loved dying they eggs, she didn't care for using spoons to drop them in the dye though. I wish I had a picture of her hands when she was done, they were tie died all the bright fun colors. Since we did so many eggs we've started eating them...turns out Hailey loves hard boiled eggs (she is sooo her father's daughter) every time she chooses an egg she remembers who dyed it, she's got a great memory.


  1. What a fun night! The eggs turned out so cute and bright!

  2. What a Fun Family home Evening. Hailey is so CUTE and great at crafts! She was such a good egg dyer at GG's house with Lani! Now I know why she knew just what to do, she had experience!
